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Your message about "[RENEWAL] Application received from Lorenzo Gil SÃnchez (lgs AT sicem.biz)" has been 
received and assigned a ticket ID [gnome.org #5370].

There is no need to reply to this message right now, but if you have anything to add to the issue please 
reply to this message.

You will receive another message once your issue has been solved, or if we need more information from you.

For accounts and membership tickets you can always see the current status of your ticket by visiting:
Note: 'Waiting for' is a best effort guess.

 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Lorenzo Gil SÃnchez
E-mail: lgs AT sicem.biz
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): lgs
svn.gnome.org username (if any): lgs

Previous GNOME Foundation member: yes

GNOME contributions:

Translations, Pygtk, Gazpacho program, small GTK+ patches, local avdocacing, presentations in local and 
national meetings (Guadec-es)

Detailed description:
I translated the Pygtk tutorial to Spanish, helped writing the current website and report and fix some bugs 
in pygtk. I used to be around the pygtk channel asking and answering questions. I also contributed some 
question to the pygtk FAQ.

I originally wrote the Gazpacho software, which is a Glade-like programm. This project is a little bit 
stopped nowadays but Ali Afshar is interested in respawning it and I'm in the process of giving him the 
maintainership rol.

I also wrote a Grid widget a few years ago and during that time I contributed with small patches to the GTK+ 
library. Nothing really big though.

I'm a member of the GNOME-hispano community and I've been to several conferences in Spain. I also went to the 
international Guadec conference in 2006 (Barcelona).

Johan Dahlin (johan AT gnome.org) (Pygtk and Gazpacho fellow. Also a very good friend)
Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo AT gnome-db.org) (GNOME-Hispano co-founder)
Alvaro del Castillo (acs AT barrapunto.com) (GNOME-Hispano co-founder)
Rafael Villar Burke (pachi AT rvburke.com) (Pygtk guru and current maintainer of the website)
Alberto Ruiz (aruiz AT synaptia.net) (Pygtk developer and Win32 pygtk coordinator)


Other comments:

[Application received at Sun Jun 8 10:43:22 2008 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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