Re: [ #2917] GNOME Membership Application of Og Maciel

Probably I'm the only "primary contact" who's not a Foundation member
yet. Does my opinion still count?

Og Maciel has been a very active member of the community for the last
months, specially on the Brazilian translation, and as far as I know
was the most important person in making a bridge with the Brazilian
Ubuntu translation team, which meant more manpower for us, pt_BR
translators. He also is going to speak on GUADEC
(; probably that's not a criteria, but it
certainly doesn't count against him.

I believe the Membership Application team should also listen to John
Wendell (jwendell gnome org) before accepting Og Maciel's application.
Jonh Wendell is a Foundation member and a Brazilian FOSS translator.
He was kicked from the Ubuntu pt_BR l10n team, IIRC "automatically"
for not translating for a long time, but I'm part of this team too (as
a bridge with the GNOME pt_BR l10n team) and never translated anything
for Ubuntu. Besides this incident, it also comes to my mind that Og
Maciel didn't receive a SVN account yet, which _IMHO_ would be a
natural step before joining the Foundation.

Overall, I believe Og Maciel deserves the application: he actively
promotes GNOME, both working and in publicity. I just want the two
issues to be clarified before he can really speak officially for

Leonardo Fontenelle

2007/7/1, Lucas Rocha via RT <membership-applications gnome org>:
Dear Lucas, Guilherme, Leonardo, Danilo, and Ken,

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more information to
process the application of Og Maciel. Since he has listed
you as the primary contact, the committee would like you to list the
contributions that Og Maciel has made for the GNOME community in
recent times. Your input will be greatly appreciated to help us to make
a fair and informed decision in the granting or denying the applicant as
a foundation member.

At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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