[Fwd: Re: GNOME Membership Applications of Airton Jordani, Joaquim Valverde, Silma Battezzati, Tiago Cardoso Menezes]

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De: Izabel Valverde <izabelv gnome org>
Ã: Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org>
Sujet: Re: GNOME Membership Applications of Airton Jordani, Joaquim
Valverde, Silma Battezzati, Tiago Cardoso Menezes
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:28:13 -0200

Dear Vincent,

I'm sory to get so long to answer you, I had some health problems.

All the listed people are doing some great job to help GNOME in Brasil.
Airton Jordani was responsable to make our logo on events. Joaquim
Valverde (He is my father! All family agree with free software ideas!),
he is owner from a College and he decides to just use GNOME in all
school. We have 5 labs, there is more than 120 machines and all the
adminstration' machines and editions machines we are using GNOME too!
Always he is supporting our events here and he is contributing with my
time too. Silma Battezzati is coordinator on our Comunications'courses.
She is studying on an University in SÃo Paulo and helps me to open space
to talk and show about GNOME and free software. Tiago Cardoso Menezes
normally helps us to organize the events, on our webpage and is
responsable to talk and defends GNOME around.

I hope that I could help. My english is not good enough but I trying to

Thank you,


Em Qui, 2005-10-20 Ãs 08:54 +0200, Vincent Untz escreveu:
Dear Luciana, Izabel, Tim,

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more information to
process the applications of Airton Jordani, Joaquim Valverde, Silma
Battezzati, Tiago Cardoso Menezes.

Since they have listed you as contacts in their applications, the
committee would like you to list the contributions that they have made
for the GNOME community in recent times.

Your input will be greatly appreciated to help us to make a fair and
informed decision in the granting or denying the applicant as a
foundation member.




Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressÃs.

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