Re: Ballot

Le mercredi 24 novembre 2004 Ã 17:53 +0100, Vincent Untz a Ãcrit :
Le mardi 23 novembre 2004 Ã 15:19 -0500, Sam TH a Ãcrit :
I (Sam Tobin-Hochstadt) have not recieved a ballot for the Board
elections, at either the email address listed on the voters page or my
current email address.  What to I need to do?


I'm sending a new ballot to the e-mail address at
Tell me if you receive it or not. It might get caught as spam.

I got this error:

 --------Message not delivered to the following:

           samth    No matches to nameserver query

 --------Error Detail (phquery V4.4 (uchicago), $Revision: 1.62 $):

 The message, "No matches to nameserver query," is generated whenever
 the ph nameserver fails to locate either a ph alias or name field that
 matches the supplied name.  The usual causes are typographical errors
 the use of nicknames.  Recommended action is to use the ph program to
 determine the correct ph alias for the individuals addressed.  If ph is
 not available, try sending to the most explicit form of the name, e.g.,
 if mike-fox fails, try michael-fox or michael-j-fox.

You probably need to change your e-mail address. What e-mail address
should we use?


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressÃs.

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