Meld 3.17 is a pure python3 application, that expected to be just used with python3 without any conversions like 2to3. It doesn't use compatibility packages like "six" and cannot be used with python2.
Meld 3.16.x from the other hand is a pure python2 application. I don't think that it is designed to be converted with 2to3, so if it had somehow launched with python3 after such conversion, it may be extremely buggy even in common use cases. Meld 3.17 is much better choice for running under python3.
> Even meld 3.17. 0 also give me the following error messages by command "2to3"but, acceptable for both meld3.17.0 and meld3.16.4, because both are able to run with python3 .... ^_^
> As long as it does NOT require me to shift from python3 to python2, that will be OK for me... ^_^
> RefactoringTool: There were 13 errors:
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse COPYING: ParseError: bad input: type=5, value=u' ', context=(u'', (1, 0))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse MANIFEST.in: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value=u'po', context=(u' ', (1, 18))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld/meldapp.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (214, 48))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld/misc.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (204, 62))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld/vcview.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (66, 22))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld.1: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value=u'TH', context=('', (1, 1))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld.doap: ParseError: bad input: type=20, value=u'<', context=(u'', (1, 0))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse NEWS: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value=u'meld', context=(u' ', (2, 11))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse PKG-INFO: ParseError: bad input: type=11, value=u':', context=('', (1, 16))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse README: ParseError: bad input: type=1, value=u'Meld', context=(u' ', (2, 6))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/misc.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (204, 62))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/meldapp.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (214, 48))
> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/vcview.py: ParseError: bad input: type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (66, 22))
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Bálint Réczey <balint balintreczey hu> wrote:
>> Hi Pei,
>> Usually it is a good idea to read back some emails from public email
>> lists before posting questions.
>> Like this one ;-) :
>> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/meld-list/2016- December/msg00003.html
>> Cheers,
>> Balint
>> 2017-01-30 18:57 GMT+01:00 JIA Pei <jp4work gmail com>:
>>> Hey, Kai:
>>> I downloaded meld 3.16.4 . when I tried to convert all .py files using 2to3,
>>> it looks there are still some files that cannot be converted, as follows:
>>> ...
>>>> RefactoringTool: ./setup.py
>>>> RefactoringTool: There were 10 errors:
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse COPYING: ParseError: bad input: type=5,
>>>> value=u' ', context=(u'', (1, 0))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse MANIFEST.in: ParseError: bad input: type=1,
>>>> value=u'po', context=(u' ', (1, 18))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld.1: ParseError: bad input: type=1,
>>>> value=u'TH', context=('', (1, 1))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse meld.doap: ParseError: bad input: type=20,
>>>> value=u'<', context=(u'', (1, 0))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse NEWS: ParseError: bad input: type=1,
>>>> value=u'meld', context=(u' ', (2, 11))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse PKG-INFO: ParseError: bad input: type=11,
>>>> value=u':', context=('', (1, 16))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse README: ParseError: bad input: type=1,
>>>> value=u'Meld', context=(u' ', (2, 6))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/misc.py: ParseError: bad input:
>>>> type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (204, 62))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/meldapp.py: ParseError: bad input:
>>>> type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (216, 48))
>>>> RefactoringTool: Can't parse ./meld/vcview.py: ParseError: bad input:
>>>> type=22, value=u'=', context=('', (68, 22))
>>> However, it seems the executable is already compatible with both python 2
>>> and python 3 ???
>>> So, any suggestions????
>>> Cheers
>>> --
>>> Pei JIA, Ph.D.
>>> Email: jp4work gmail com
>>> cell in Canada: +1 778-863-5816
>>> cell in China: +86 186-8244-3503
>>> Welcome to Vision Open
>>> http://www.visionopen.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> meld-list mailing list
>>> meld-list gnome org
>>> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/meld-list
> --
> Pei JIA, Ph.D.
> Email: jp4work gmail com
> cell in Canada: +1 778-863-5816
> cell in China: +86 186-8244-3503
> Welcome to Vision Open
> http://www.visionopen.com