meld doesn't work after install

After trying ton install meld 3.16.0 like this:

     python install --prefix=/home/bkerin/local

I get this:

     $ meld
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/home/bkerin/local/bin/meld", line 73, in <module>
         import meld.conf
     ImportError: No module named meld.conf
     1 $

Just copying bin/meld to where I want it causes the same failure at run time.

The sources don't seem to contain an explicit meld.conf.  Things do
work when I run it
in place though, so apparently there's some magic going on that I
don't know about.

In general, the install directions could be better and it would be
useful.  They refer to standard
distutils, but I have no idea about those.  I use python for meld and
that's it.  I had trouble
finding --prefix because apparently --help doesn't tell you about that
until you include the
install command.  And of course it still doesn't work for me, probably
for some stupid reason.

meld is so wildly popular now it's not good to assume everyone who
would like to build the latest version knows anything about python.


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