Re: Rant: using recent GTK prevents me from hacking on Meld

Hi Noam,

2015-12-29 15:38 GMT+01:00 Noam Yorav-Raphael <noamraph gmail com>:

I really like Meld. I'm a good Python programmer. I had an idea for Meld
that I wanted to see if I can implement. I have ubuntu 14.04, which is the
version the Ubuntu official site currently says is "recommended for most
users". Ubuntu 14.04 has GTK 3.10, and Meld requires GTK 3.12. I spent
several hours trying to compile GTK 3.12 on my machine, without success.
Adding a newer GTK+ is hard even with more experience.
I suggest creating an schroot environment for Meld development using a newer
Ubuntu release.
For a quick howto please visit .


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