Re: [Meld 3.12.0 | Windows] Bug - Blurry Fonts

On 1 December 2014 at 04:35, Péter Roos <roospeteristvan gmail com> wrote:

I installed the Windows version of Meld using the new native installer
(version 3.12.0).
I experience blurry fonts everywhere in the applications UI elements (for
example in the menus, or in the preferences menu), except for the text
comparing field (for which I can set a font in the preferences menu).
Before using this particular version, I used the meld-installer
(, without such problems.
Is this experienced by others? Do I need to change some setting?

I've had a report of this forwarded on to me, but I haven't had the
time to do anything about it yet. According to the helpful user who
sent the report through, the solution is to create a file at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini  (adjusting for
Meld installation location) containing:

gtk-xft-antialias = 1
gtk-xft-rgba = rgb

I haven't tested this myself yet; just forwarding on advice.


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