Ah, I think I have it figured out; thanks for the input.
I was missing the base[...] and text[...] entries in my .gtkrc-2.0 file.
I found out about them by looking at the theme files you referenced.
I'm not actually using a theme in the sense you mentioned, but whoever
wrote them knows more about gtk2 than I do, so thanks for the
reference (:
On 8/29/13, Louis des Landes <louis obsidian com au> wrote:
> I'm referring to the system gtk+ theme. In your case:
> http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Using_gtk_themes
> GTK2 apps are limited somewhat... and background / foreground colours of
> text entry areas of a single application cannot be customized (afaik).
> In my case I'm using a dark gtk2 theme based on Adwaita which sets the text
> entry background/foreground entry areas on a system wide level, then used a
> gtkrc.2.0 file to change the highlight backgrounds.
> The line in question which should set these colours is:
> gtk-color-scheme =
> "base_color:#4f524f\nfg_color:#eeeeec\ntooltip_fg_color:#eeeeee\nselected_bg_color:#3465a4\nselected_fg_color:#eeeeec\ntext_color:#eeeeec\nbg_color:#393f3f\ntooltip_bg_color:#000000"
> Hopefully this may help? I can provide the actual theme I'm using if you
> like =)
> --
> Louis
> On 30 August 2013 06:46, John W <jwdevel gmail com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not quite sure what you mean by "system theme".
>> I have a .gtkrc-2.0 file. That seems to affect lots of things (such as
>> the main window area, buttons, etc), but not the background when there
>> is an active diff...
>> See attached screenshots - meld-new.png shows that the general
>> background colors are correctly taken from.gtkrc-2.0, while
>> meld-white.png shows that on the diff window, for common text, it's
>> white.
>> Is there some other styling file you're referring to?
>> I'm not using GNOME or anything - just fluxbox.
>> -John
>> On 8/28/13, Louis des Landes <louis obsidian com au> wrote:
>> > The background and foreground colours come from the system theme
>> > itself,
>> > you have to use a system wide gtk theme with a different background
>> colour
>> > to override it at the moment.
>> >
>> > I believe this may change when the gtk3 port is done.
>> > On Aug 27, 2013 6:03 PM, "John W" <jwdevel gmail com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I'm using the latest-and-greatest from git (7c1e24a70fea...).
>> >> I have a customized .gtkrc-2.0 file, and I can change most colors just
>> >> fine.
>> >>
>> >> However, I cannot seem to change the 'default' background color.
>> >> This is the background color that shows in an unchanged area in the
>> diff.
>> >> For me, it is always white.
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone know where Meld gets that value?
>> >> I'm not opposed to just tweaking the source code to make it work, but
>> >> I don't really know where to look.
>> >>
>> >> Similarly, is there a way to change the foreground color, even if it's
>> >> a
>> >> hack?
>> >> I already have everything descended from GtkWidget set to dark
>> >> background / light foreground, through my .gtkrc-2.0 file, but for
>> >> some reason Meld is not affected...
>> >>
>> >> Thanks!
>> >> -John
>> >>
>> >> I have
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