Re: Feature request

On 28 September 2012 20:14, Antonio Picciano <apiccianoit yahoo it> wrote:
> Hi all and thank you for the nice work of this software.
> I know that there is a lot of work to do to develop all feature requested
> from all users, but I think some small features can help:
> 1) in the 3-way folder compare, it would be nice if there is a visual ( i.e.
> font attribute like color or bold/italic ) to show folder CONTENT
> equivalence.
> Example: in a project there are 3 revision, rev1, rev2, rev3. I want to
> compare these 3 revisions. A particular folder in the project, plot, does
> not change passing from revision rev1 to revision rev2, but it changes in
> rev3. ( specifically, all files in the plot folder of rev1 are equal to all
> files in the plot folder of rev2, but at least one file of the plot folder
> of rev3 changes is content, or is an addition, or is a deletion )
> It would be nice if I can have an immediate color view of this fact, for
> example, the folder plot in rev1 and rev2 column is colored blue in both
> columns, while is colored in red and bolded in rev3 column. From this I can
> understand that the content of the folder plot is the same in rev1 and rev2
> ( same color ) but changes in rev3.

Something like this has been requested before, and unfortunately ends
up being a lot of work. I did something on this a while ago, but
couldn't get it to work when going from two- to three-way comparisons.

While people are free to look at this, our tree model code is old - it
was all designed before features like GtkTreeModelFilter existed!
Again, while a lot of work, figuring out how to rewrite the current
model to operate with more modern GTK features would be a better
long-term solution.

> 2) This same color-code comparison can be applied at file level

I'm not sure what you're asking for here... do you just mean that when
showing modified files in folder comparisons, we should only show
files as modified if they're different between neighbouring panes?
That sounds sensible, but I'd have to try it and see.

> 3) It can be useful if I have some modifications, to move not only referring
> to the central column, but directly from left column to right column ( maybe
> this feature is present, but I don't know how to make it work! )

We don't have this feature, other than by copy-and-paste. I'm not sure
that it's sufficiently widely useful to warrant actually adding UI for
though, since three-way comparisons usually involve moving changes
into the central pane.


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