Re: Copy diffed filed paths, zip diffed file set

On 22 February 2011 23:48, Jesús Zazueta <jjzazuet gmail com> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I would like to suggest a couple of features I have seen and used
> often in Winmerge, which I believe would be very useful to have in
> meld as well.
> 1: In Winmerge, after running a directory structure diff, the user can
> select some files (maybe even those which show no differences at all),
> right click, and copy the absolute file paths to the clipboard.

Without really thinking about it, this sounds reasonable. Rather than
right-click, I'd suggest that we might be able to add a "Copy path"
menu item to the Edit menu. It might also be nice if it would copy
relative-to-repository-root paths when in version control view.

> 2: Generate a zip file with a change set. Pretty much similar to
> feature 1 above, in section 3.8 "Archiving files" of Winmerge's
> manual.

After reading about this, I'm still not certain why I'd want to do it,
and I don't really see how what 3.8 describes is creating a "change
set". Regardless, it's probably something that would be best suited to
a plug-in, if and when we ever get them.


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