stupid question: file dates?


This seems like it'll have a really obvious answer, but I can't find it -- how do I show file modified dates? I'd also like to be able to see file sizes.

I've figured out that the little red dot on the icon means "this one is newer," but it's erratic -- sometimes I see a little red dot on two files with the same timestamp that are binary identical. Oh; I think I just figured that one out: ls -l --full-time shows that the file timestamps differ in the fractions of seconds. Must've gotten truncated by scp or by spending time on a filesystem with lower time resolution.

Anyway, sometimes I'd really like to know "how much newer", because if it's within 8 hours of each other I don't know if it's really newer, or if it's just that the file has been on a computer with its time zone set wrong (some of the machines at the university are not reliable that way).


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