[PATCH] svn: Update a file's status after its been modified

This commit is very similar to 15dadb2bbc0c0da116fdd6e920306268f1cf37d5,
but resolves the bug for subversion which was recently modified to use

Previously, a VcView diff of a subversion-controlled directory could
easily become out of date.  For example, if the file 'AUTHORS' was a
version controlled file in a svn repository:
  > echo "asdf" >> AUTHORS
  > meld ./
  # Double click on the AUTHORS file to view its diff.
  # Save the AUTHORS file.  This will cause meld to cache its current
    state (modified).
  # Remove the "asdf" at the bottom of the file and save it.
  # Close the AUTHORS tab.
  # The state of the AUTHORS file will still show up as modified, even
    though it is now unmodified.

Signed-off-by: Peter Tyser <ptyser gmail com>
 meld/vc/svn.py |   17 ++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meld/vc/svn.py b/meld/vc/svn.py
index a3d7b01..dc7e913 100644
--- a/meld/vc/svn.py
+++ b/meld/vc/svn.py
@@ -73,18 +73,16 @@ class Vc(_vc.CachedVc):
     def switch_to_external_diff(self):
         self.external_diff = "diff"
-    def _lookup_tree_cache(self, rootdir):
+    def _update_tree_state_cache(self, path, tree_state):
         while 1:
-                status_cmd = [self.CMD, "status", "-v", "--xml", rootdir]
+                status_cmd = [self.CMD, "status", "-v", "--xml", path]
                 tree = ElementTree.parse(_vc.popen(status_cmd))
             except OSError, e:
                 if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
-        tree_state = {}
         for target in tree.findall("target"):
             for entry in (t for t in target.getchildren() if t.tag == "entry"):
                 path = entry.attrib["path"]
@@ -103,7 +101,16 @@ class Vc(_vc.CachedVc):
                         tree_state[mydir] = {}
                     tree_state[mydir][name] = (item, rev)
-        return tree_state
+    def _lookup_tree_cache(self, rootdir):
+        # Get a list of all files in rootdir, as well as their status
+        tree_state = {}
+        self._update_tree_state_cache(rootdir, tree_state)
+	return tree_state
+    def update_file_state(self, path):
+        tree_state = self._get_tree_cache(os.path.dirname(path))
+        self._update_tree_state_cache(path, tree_state)
     def _get_dirsandfiles(self, directory, dirs, files):
         tree = self._get_tree_cache(directory)

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