bug? (bzr mv)

So, for the first time ever, I have bzr mv 'ed some files around in my tree:

#bzr status
  DNT/NT-32/Brd465/layout/NT-32.PcbDoc =>
  DNT/NT-32/Brd465/schematic/Brd466.PrjPcb =>

When I then fire up meld against that tree, I get no output on the
screen, and the following in the terminal:

steve@wynde:~$ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/task.py", line 130, in iteration
    ret = task()
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vcview.py", line 294, in _search_recursively_iter
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vc/_vc.py", line 190, in cache_inventory
    self._tree_cache = self._lookup_tree_cache(directory)
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vc/bzr.py", line 81, in _lookup_tree_cache
    tree_state[os.path.join(rootdir, entry[2:])] = cur_state
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cur_state' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/task.py", line 130, in iteration
    ret = task()
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vcview.py", line 294, in _search_recursively_iter
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vc/_vc.py", line 190, in cache_inventory
    self._tree_cache = self._lookup_tree_cache(directory)
  File "/usr/lib/meld/meld/vc/bzr.py", line 81, in _lookup_tree_cache
    tree_state[os.path.join(rootdir, entry[2:])] = cur_state
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cur_state' referenced before assignment

It's not a big issue for me, just committed from the command line, but
I'm available to help debug...


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