Culling curves

Hi all,

Something that periodically bugs me is when the linking lines in
Meld's middle bar disappear off the top (or bottom) of the screen,
descending into infinity... which never seems to tell me very much,
while occupying a lot of ink. The problem is essentially that very
unequally-sized chunks can cause a chunk to be visible on one side,
while the corresponding chunk on the other side is well off-screen.

I'm attaching a patch that tries to clean up this display and
interactions involved. Basically, whenever a chunk is completely
off-screen, no middle-bar joining lines will be drawn to or from it.
Also, middle bar click actions on its corresponding (on-screen) chunk
are hidden and disabled; how can you reasonably act on one side of a
chunk without seeing its corresponding chunk?

As always, feedback would be awesome. The easiest way to trigger the
behaviour if you're just curious is to get a modified chunk on screen,
unlock scrolling (hold shift while scrolling or go to the View menu)
and scroll so that one side of the chunk disappears off-screen.


Attachment: 0001-Cull-chunk-linking-visualisation-in-LinkMap-to-decrease-visual-clutter.patch
Description: Binary data

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