Version Control File (CVS) Bug

Here is the information meld requested I send:

- meld version: '1.3.0'
- source control software type: 'CVS'
- source control software version: '1.11.17' (server)
- source control software version: '1.12.13' (client)
- the output of 'cvs diff -u somefile.txt' (can't for copyright reasons)
but it is a modified file, not removed or added
cvs status:
File: uichwm_ApcoPopUp.c    Status: File had conflicts on merge

   Working revision:
   Repository revision:    /tui/REPOSITORY/SW/RadioTerminals/STDC/TM8200/RadioTerminal_UI/private/HighTierUI/src/UserInterface/src/uichwm/src/uichwm_ApcoPopUp.c,v
   Sticky Tag:        APCO_R7_2_LKM_branch (branch:
   Sticky Date:        (none)
   Sticky Options:    (none)

- patch command: 'patch --strip=0 --reverse --directory=/tmp/tmpxXrCBK-meld'

I have Attempted to read into this and as far as I can tell, it's related to Bug 557615 where svn's keyword expansion (or lack thereof) was meaning patch couldn't determine the common ancestor of the two files being diff'ed.  I think the same thing is happening here with the conflict markers instead of the keywords (none of the keyword information was showing up on the diff -u, but there were the conflict markers).

Please let me know if you need more information and I'll do what I can.

Michael Malone
R & D Technician
Tait Radio Communications
Ext: 8628
DDI: 358 6628

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