Re: [PATCH 2/3] vc: Check for installed version control tools before use


>> +
>> +            # See if the necessary version control command exists.  If not,
>> +            # make the version control choice non-selectable.
>> +            if["which", avc.CMD]):
> I'm no Windows developer, but I'm guessing a call to 'which' isn't
> portable. I'm not sure if there's a better option, but can we just try
> to popen/call the command in question and catch OSError or something?

I was under the impression that Cygwin was a requirement for meld
under Windows, in which case I'd think 'which' would be installed.  We
could use some other method such as the one you describe or something
but both are a bit more complicated than a basic 'which' call.

>> +                self.combobox_vcs.get_model().append( \
>> +                    [avc.NAME + " (" + avc.CMD + " Not Installed)", avc, False])
> This needs to be translated, and just concatenating isn't i18n
> friendly anyway. Off the top of my head, how about something like:
>    [avc.NAME + _("(%s not found)") % avc, avc, False])
> ...which would also warrant a translator comment.

Thanks for catching that.  What do you mean by "would also warrant a
translator comment"?  I'm not too familiar with internationalization.
I will change the strings to the following unless someone else advises
            if["which", avc.CMD]):
                err_str = _(" (%s Not Installed)" % avc.CMD)
            elif avc.valid_repo():
                if ( is not None and
            == avc.__class__):
                     default_active = idx
                err_str = _(" (Invalid Repository)")

            self.combobox_vcs.get_model().append( \
                    [avc.NAME + err_str, avc, len(err_str) == 0])


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