Compare multiple file pairs (from the command line)

Hi, I use meld for checking edits before committing with this script (below).

The annoying thing is for every file pair it opens a new window.

It would be really nice if there was some way to open multiple pairs
of files as tabs one window.
This is already supported when doing a directory diff, its just there
is no way to access this from the command line.

--- snip
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os

def svnpair(f):
    f_other = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), ".svn", "text-base",
os.path.basename(f) + ".svn-base" )
    return f_other, f

def svndiff(f):
	if os.path.exists(f):
		# release/scripts/ui/.svn/text-base/
		os.system("meld \"%s\" \"%s\" &" % svnpair(f))

files = sys.argv[1:]

if not files:
	files = os.popen('svn st | grep "^M" | cut -f4-8 -d" "').read().split()

for f in files:
- Campbell

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