Reworking diffutil.Differ


I've been looking a little bit at, which is our wrapper
around python's difflib. This does a lot of stuff, and has a lot of
small closely-related functions. It also probably has the biggest
potential for improved performance, either by doing less work, or by
threading it. As such, I've started to do some cleanup and
simplification of the existing code.

I'm attaching a couple of starting patches for review. The first
removes most of the Differ initialisation code, since Differ is never
actually created with sequence arguments. The second patch slightly
reworks the logic of Differ.set_sequences_iter() to be a little more

As it's core code, comments would be appreciated.


Attachment: DifferInitialisation.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: DifferSequenceInit.patch
Description: Binary data

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