Re: Source control: Scanning for changes


Sorry for the delay. I've been away on vacation and I forgot
completely about this issue.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Stephen Kennedy<stevek gnome org> wrote:
>> 2) Why does meld manually scan for changes when it can rely on the
>> source control itself (e.g. svn st or hg st) to get a list of files?
> I don't understand this one, meld generally parses the vc status command
> output to detect file states.

As Vincent just mentioned, meld seems to recursively go through the
entire directory tree looking for changes. I'm guessing it's just
calling the source control's 'status' command in each directory.
However, with large directory structures this can take a long time. I
sometimes have a non-versioned subtree within the directory structure
(created as part of the build) and searching these things is really
unnecessary. In my experience with svn and mercurial, just calling the
'st' command in the root directory automatically shows all changes in
subdirectories. In theory, meld can just use this list instead of
recursively traversing the directory structure looking for changes.

Edwin V

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