[PATCH] Split filtertext message

Remove the useless (really ?) "\" at EOL
by splitting the message into its sentences
and joining the bits later.

Vincent Legoll
Index: filediff.py
--- filediff.py	(revision 1326)
+++ filediff.py	(working copy)
@@ -251,8 +251,10 @@
                 txt = c.sub(killit,txt)
         except AssertionError:
             if not self.warned_bad_comparison:
-                misc.run_dialog(_("Regular expression '%s' changed the number of lines in the file. " \
-                    "Comparison will be incorrect. See the user manual for more details.") % r)
+                msgbits = [_("Regular expression '%s' changed the number of lines in the file."),
+                           _("Comparison will be incorrect."),
+                           _("See the user manual for more details.")]
+                misc.run_dialog(" ".join(msgbits) % r)
                 self.warned_bad_comparison = True
         return txt

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