Thank you! and a feature request

Hi! Thank you very much for meld, I really appreciate it... I love the way the
whole Desktop integrates so well to be an IDE... gedit with plugins for
developing, SearchMonkey for finding code, RapidSVN for managing repositories,
and, finally, the eternal meld :) for making merges happy.

One feature I found incredibly useful on ZendStudio (which I am migrating away
of) and I miss a bit is to notice the difference between 'incoming' and
'outgoing' changes. I know you don't have a lot of time on your hands, but this
might just be incredibly easy to code and would really increase the value of
meld. All that really would be necessary would be to color-code (or Icon code)
whether a file has changed in mine, original, or both. A worthy addition would
be to hide either. (Not sure exactly how this would work for three way compare
but perhaps similar).

If you need any testing help I'm right here!

Thanks again!


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