Re: Meld 1.2 and PyGTK version?

Okay... that code is my fault. I tried to avoid anything after pygtk
2.8 (which is the required version due to some cairo usage), but
slipped up there. What's the consensus? should 2.12 be allowable, and
those on older distributions can just try to comment out any newer API
calls, or should we stick to 2.8 (or whatever) API?

On a related note, does anyone know of a utility that can scan code
for API calls that were introduced after a certain GTK/Glib version
(or are deprecated after a certain version)? Seems like it would be
generally useful.


2008/8/27 Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org>:
> Hi Geoff, yes the required version number should have been bumped.
> I can't recall how deep the 2.12 dependencies go. You may be able to run
> on 2.10 with some judicious commenting out (if you don't mind losing
> that tooltip!) Failing that, there's always the 1.x series.
> Regards,
> Stephen.
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:26 AM, Geoff Bache <geoff bache jeppesen com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just downloaded Meld 1.2 and tried to run it on RHEL5.
>> It says:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/meld", line 109, in ?
>>   meldapp.main()
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/", line 876, in main
>>   tab = app.append_diff(args)
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/", line 777, in
>> append_diff
>>   return self.append_filediff(paths)
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/", line 763, in
>> append_filediff
>>   self._append_page(doc, "tree-file-normal.png")
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/", line 740, in
>> _append_page
>>   nbl = NotebookLabel(icon, "", lambda b: self.try_remove_page(page))
>>  File "/users/geoff/work/downloads/meld-1.2/", line 381, in
>> __init__
>>   image.set_tooltip_text(_("Close tab"))
>> AttributeError: 'gtk.Image' object has no attribute 'set_tooltip_text'
>> If I run it on RHEL4 it says:
>> Meld requires pygtk2.6.0 or higher.
>> Due to incompatible API changes some functions may not operate as expected.
>> But RHEL5 has pygtk 2.10. And the method above it can't find is only
>> supported in PyGTK 2.12 if I check the docs.
>> So I guess either some code needs fixing or the required PyGTK version needs
>> to be bumped up. If it really does require PyGTK 2.12 I probably won't use
>> it as that would require building a separate GTK from source...
>> Regards,
>> Geoff Bache
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