bzr support in meld broken + patch

Hi there,

Let me start out saying what many others have likely said already: meld really makes my version control life a lot earlier. Thanks!

Today I was playing around with bzr and to my pleasant surprise I noticed that meld seemed to have support for it. Unfortunately I also think it's currently broken - the file browser doesn't appear to recognize any modified file and on the command line I see the following error message:

bzr: ERROR: no such option: --all

which is probably the cause of the underlying problem. I just looked it up and it appears now the --all behavior is always implied by the 'bzr status' command, so going into vc/ and removing the --all seems to have fixed this problem.

I'm less sure about the following. There appears to be a problem with meld not recognizing which files are under version control and which are not: the 'normal' button shows *all* files, including .pyc files and foo~ files. With svn it would not show those files, as they're in the svn ignores. With bzr it does. I'm not sure what the semantics of lookup_files should be in this respect. It appears that in case of svn, the semantics are what I would prefer: ignore anything svn is ignoring anyway. With the bzr backend, it's not following the ignore rules of bzr.

I've just hacked up some code to make that work, so attached is a rough patch of It fixes the --all issue and also ignores files according to the .bzrignore.

Thanks again for meld and I hope my patch is useful!



> import fnmatch
>     def branch_root(self, rootdir):
>         return os.popen("bzr root %s" % rootdir).read().rstrip('\n')
<         branch_root = os.popen("bzr root %s" % rootdir).read().rstrip('\n')
>         branch_root = self.branch_root(rootdir)
<                 proc = os.popen("bzr status --all %s" % branch_root)
>                 proc = os.popen("bzr status %s" % branch_root)
>         ignore_pattern = IgnorePattern(
>             os.path.join(self.branch_root(directory), '.bzrignore'))
<                 #state = ignore_re.match(f) == None and _vc.STATE_NONE or _vc.STATE_IGNORED
<                 state = _vc.STATE_NORMAL
>                 if ignore_pattern.match(f):
>                     state = _vc.STATE_IGNORED
>                 else:
>                     state = _vc.STATE_NORMAL
<                 #state = ignore_re.match(f) == None and _vc.STATE_NONE or _vc.STATE_IGNORED
<                 state = _vc.STATE_NORMAL
>                 if ignore_pattern.match(d):
>                     state = _vc.STATE_IGNORED
>                 else:
>                     state = _vc.STATE_NORMAL
> class IgnorePattern(object):
>     def __init__(self, bzrignore):
>         try:
>             f = open(bzrignore, 'r')
>             self.ignore_patterns = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
>             f.close()
>         except IOError:
>             self.ignore_patterns = []
>     def match(self, s):
>         for pattern in self.ignore_patterns:
>             if fnmatch.fnmatch(s, pattern):
>                 return True
>         return False

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