Runs meld under SuSE 8.2???

Hello everybody,
is it possible to run meld under SuSE Linux 8.2.
I have tried to install meld-1.1.2 but ist seems to be impossible. At the next step I have tried to install meld-0.9.6. The make command was still successfull but after starting ./meld I have got the following message:
Meld works best with pygtk-1.99.15 or higher. (found 1.99.14)
Due to incompatible API changes some functions may not operate as expected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./meld", line 81, in ?
    import meldapp
  File "./", line 28, in ?
    import gnomeglade
  File "./", line 24, in ?
    import gnome.ui
ImportError: No module named ui
So I have looked for python-gnome-1.99.15 but is is not possible to find this package. I have got the same error messages with meld-0.9.5 till meld-0.9.2.
The question: Is there any way to install meld at SuSE 8.2 in a couple of hours???
Thank you!
Best regards,
Torsten B.

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