meld for win32


I love meld but I miss it when coding on win32.

From using meld, I couldn't see anything obvious that depended on gnome
as opposed to just gtk.

Having a look at the code for I see that you use gconf for storing prefs and your uses a little bit of gnome (urlshow and FileEntry) but doesn't seem to have any complicated dependencies.

Of course the meld path handling and cvs command handling would need adjusting to work on win32.

It seems at least feasible to add switches to replace some of these
things with more general alternatives that would work on win32
(where gnome is not available). It also implies a bit of a testing and maintenance overhead.

Then I found your cvs repository on the GNOME server(a link from the meld homepage to cvs and the mailing list would be helpful by the way).

Even though you haven't released in a year, you've certainly been busy. So maybe there are a lot more GNOME dependencies than I thought.

Anyway, I think meld for win32 would be a bit of fiddling. I don't know if I would ever actually do it. But assuming I did, would you be interested at all in incorporating a patch for win32 compatibility?

Maybe you plan on using more of GNOME anyway. I'm not sure what GNOME's philosophy is with regard to win32. It could be that GNOME is all the GUI layer stuff that Unix needs but which doesn't need to be portable. The portable stuff goes in GTK. Or it could be that GNOME hackers explicitly prefer not to make their code portable to win32.

On the other hand meld would fill a nice gap on win32. Tortoise CVS is free and does a good job of integrating with the Windows Explorer. But meld is much slicker, plus it provides a great diff and edit interface which Tortoise doesn't provide at all.

I also did a hunt of python bindings for SVN, and I found this:

You may be aware of it. They have a Linux / win32 GUI on top of it, but I think meld is a lot further along. Perhaps if meld could be got roughly working on win32, then some collaboration might be possible.


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