Re: imageviewer in mc


andreas@workstation:~> $(which gwenview)
gwenview(3274)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "edit_redo" with KXMLGUIFactory! 
gwenview(3274)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "edit_undo" with KXMLGUIFactory! 
gwenview(3274) Gwenview::MainWindow::Private::sideBarConfigGroupName: mCurrentMainPageId == 'StartMainPageId' 
QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""

The above works fine. As root I get

workstation:/home/andreas # $(which gwenview)
gwenview(3360)/kdeui (kdelibs): Session bus not found 
To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and bash) 
export $(dbus-launch) 
KCrash: Application 'gwenview' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
KCrash: Connect sock_file=/root/.kde4/socket-workstation.bitcorner.intern/kdeinit4__0
Warning: connect() failed: : Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi directly
drkonqi(3361)/kdeui (kdelibs): Session bus not found 
To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and bash) 
export $(dbus-launch)

Then, after an export $(dbus-launch) gwenview starts up:

workstation:/home/andreas # $(which gwenview)
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
kbuildsycoca4 running...
gwenview(3378)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "edit_redo" with KXMLGUIFactory!
gwenview(3378)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "edit_undo" with KXMLGUIFactory!
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
gwenview(3378) KMimeTypeRepository::parents: "/usr/share/mime/subclasses"  refers to unknown mimetype  
QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
gwenview(3378) Gwenview::LoadingDocumentImplPrivate::loadImageData: KUrl("file:///home/andreas/bitlogo1.gif") 
is not really an animated image (only one frame) 
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89 0x50

But I think I give up on this one viewing images as root I think.

Kind regards and thanks for the help!


Eric Gillespie <brickviking gmail com> schrieb am 30.12.17 um 12:39:12 Uhr:

At least for the root user, you also have to make sure $PATH includes the
relevant directory for where gwenview resides (try $(which gwenview) as a
user to find it). A normal user already has the relevant directory if
they're running a graphical display.

Regards, Brickviking (a.k.a. DrSmokey)

On 30 December 2017 at 10:17, ratatouille <ratatouille nimmini de> wrote:


No, I dont know how to do this or what the new command should look like.

if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
            (gpview "${MC_EXT_FILENAME}" &)

Somehow gwenview must be called some way different.


solarflow99 <solarflow99 gmail com> schrieb am 29.12.17 um 13:12:25 Uhr:
Can you create a symlink for the old command pointing to the new command?

On Dec 29, 2017 1:07 PM, "ratatouille" <ratatouille nimmini de> wrote:

Is this list active? I have a question about viewing images with mc.

I am on openSUSE and there is no gpview anymore available but gwenview.

As normal user I can view images with mc nice (gwenview is called) but
not as root. I get
/usr/lib/mc/ext.d/ Zeile 45: gpview: Kommando nicht gefunden

Replacing gpview with gwenview in line 45 give mismatch on the screen.

How can this be solved?

Kind regards

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