Re: Enter a hidden directory

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 02:36:03PM +0100, Marco wrote:
I intended to copy some files from a ZFS snapshot to my current
machine. However, I couldn't find a way to do this with mc. The
situation is as follows:

1) I use the “SFTP link” to connect to the server. This means I
can only use the panels, since the built in shell or <ctrl-O>
unfortunately does not work on shell links.

2) The snapshots are stored in a hidden directory called “.zfs”.
The hidden part is not the that it starts with a dot, but that
it doesn't show up with “ls -a”. However, you can successfully
“cd .zfs” into it.

How can I copy a file from this directory to my current host
using mc? I can't use “cd .zfs” because shell commands are not

Did you try “cd .zfs” on the command line in the panel? That's not 
done in a subshell. That actually controls what's seen in the panel.
I don't have time to test it myself, but I think that will work.

It doesn't show up in the panels (no, even <M-.> does not help)
and I can't launch mc on the server and “SFTP” into my local
machine, since mc is not installed on the remote host.

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