Re: mc inserts printf %b in my history (Ciprian Popovici)

Ciprian Popovici <list zuavra net> wrote:


Recently I started getting this problem: whenever I hit Tab to change
panel, MC (4.6.2, Debian unstable package) inserts a line like this in my
bash history:

cd "`printf "%b" '\0057'`"
cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057ciprian`"

The actual string varies, and seems to be a representation of the full
path of the directory in the target panel.

And it also inserts this sometimes:

PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&7;kill -STOP $$'

I don't mind how it does what it does here, but I don't want those
commands added to my history. Makes it a pain to go up in the history or
reverse-search when these printf's keep being inserted all over the place.

FWIW, I found this while googling for an anwer:

Any idea on how to get rid of those lines being added to my history?

Those lines should have been prefixed with a space to keep them out of the history file. Did you install a new shell or something at the time the problem began?

Reynir H. Stefánsson (reynirhs mi is)
The Piper Cub is the safest 'plane in the world.
It can just barely kill you.

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