No reverse video on B&W xterm

Hi all,

I'm having a problem with mc (4.6.1, S-Lang), which doesn't do reverse 
video on a black-and-white xterm ('xterm -cm'), even if mc is called 
with the '--nocolor' flag. $TERM seems to have no effect on this. All 
other programs (tcsh, lynx, slrn, nano) display reverse video 

The funny thing is that a remote mc (4.6.1, S-Lang) used over an SSH 
connection to a NetBSD host (I'm on Debian) displays reverse video on 
the same B&W xterm.

You'd think this is a '~/.mc/ini' issue, but when I copied the ini file 
from the remote NetBSD host to my local '~/.mc/' nothing changed.

I'm at a loss... Can anybody help? TIA!

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