Re: Blocking DNS lookup on MC startup

On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 01:58:19PM +0300, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
And what about your operating system ?

Apologize my linux-centric view!
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Sarge
Kernel 2.6.8
GNU C Library libc6 2.3.2.ds1

I've tried to reproduce that many times and I cannot get neither
the slowdown nor those particualr dns lookups for interface names.

To reproduce the slowdown, those condition should met:

- Some nameserver exists in /etc/resolv.conf
- A default route exists
- The nameserver(s) do not respond and the error
  is not immediate ("connection refused" or "no route to
  host" are immediate errors, so no timeout to wait).

Could you build MC with debug symbols and at the time the slowdown occurs 
attach to the MC process with a debugger and get a backtrace ?

Can you please give me the option to include debug symbols and 
the command line to attach MC with the debugger?

Thank you again.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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