Blocking DNS lookup on MC startup


I start MC 4.6.0 on a Linux box with a default route and a 
nameserver into /etc/resolv.conf.

When the internet connection is down I experience a very very 
long delay on MC startup.

From a tcpdump trace I see that Midnight Commander tries to 
resolve several names for each existing network interface:

  61383+ A? (31)
  61384+ A? lo. (20)
  61387+ A? (31)
  61388+ A? LO. (20)
  61391+ A? (33)
  61392+ A? eth0. (22)
  61393+ A? (33)
  61394+ A? ETH0. (22) is the "search" domain in resolv.conf.

Each request is repated several times and take up a lot of time 
before timeout.

Why this annoying lookup? Is there a way to avoid it?

Waiting 2-3 minutes before seeing the blue screen is frustrating, 
also frustrating is to be requested to cut the route to any DNS 
server before starting MC...

Thank you.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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