Can someone tell me where I can find out more about this facility written
by Neale Ferguson?   My specific questions are, is it included with SuSE
Linux Enterprise 8?   Is the "hcp" command part of it?   What about
cpint_load?  I see the following statements in a script which was given to

cpint_load &> /dev/null
hcp send cloner dup1 $host

The first appears to work but I don't know what it does.  The second
results in "hcp command not found".   Thanks in advance for any help.

Randy Wright
zSeries Integration Engineer
MSI Systems Integrators
8000 Maryland Avenue, Suite 410
St. Louis, Mo.  63105
Office (314) 726-3635
Pager (314) 491-5026
Email  rwright msiinet com

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