Re: MC problem with keys under OpenBS


mc-4.5.51 work fine under OpenBSD 3.0 but a litte problem
about keys F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 in shell are print
11~, 12~, 13~, 14~ and 15~. How i fix this problem?
Have you tried the "Learn Key" command in the menu?  If not, why not?  Did 
you read the manual?

My suspicion is that either "Learn Key" is documented insufficiently that 
you could not find it or it didn't work for you but you forgot to mention 

By the way, why are you using an outdated version 4.5.51?  The current 
version is 4.5.55.  Did you compile MC or you just downloaded the binary?  
Who distributes the binary?

I'm afraid we still have a problem of trust.  Security-aware distributions 
don't want to go beyond 4.5.51 despite the fact that no "bad guys" touched 
the source after that (to my best knowledge).

Pavel Roskin

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