Re: mc-4.8.14 hangs on select for 10 seconds at startup

On 6/1/15, Mike Smithson <mdooligan gmail com> wrote:
On startup it hangs for 10 seconds, apparently on a select() call.
I've edited this strace dump for brevity:
04:20:19 read(6, "-S", 128)             = 2
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 971293}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "TO", 128)             = 2
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 971287}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "P ", 128)             = 2
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 971281}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "$$", 128)             = 2
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 971275}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "'\r\n", 128)          = 3
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 971269}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "bash: PROMPT_COMMAND: line 1: sy"..., 128) = 128
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 970702}) = 1 (in [6], left {9,
04:20:19 read(6, "STOP $$'\r\n[miven cobra ~]$ ", 128) = 27
04:20:19 select(9, [6 8], NULL, NULL, {9, 970700}) = 0 (Timeout)
...[10 seconds of nothing]...

Two people report the same (or similar) problem here:

See the last three comments there: try clearing the PROMPT_COMMAND env
variable, or disabling your keybindings in .inputrc (such bindings can
also be in your shell's startup file(s) in the form of "bind"

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