[patch #6200] delete in history lists

Update of patch #6200 (project mc):

                  Status:                    None => In Progress            
             Assigned to:                    None => ptsekov                


Follow-up Comment #1:

I am attaching a modified patch loosely based on the original 
version. It fixes several problems:

1) a memory leak - missing g_free (r) in the B_USER+1 case in
the original patch

2) the last item on the list is never deleted

3) the box containing the history items is not redrawn as the
items are removed

4) indentation, code rearranged

Please, test and let me know whether to commit it.. If I got something wrong,
please, let me know. If you respond fast enough this would get in the next

(file #13975)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: mc-cvs-historydelete-ptsekov-update.patch Size:4 KB


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