Re: F10 issue & special terminal case

> I use PocketPC and PocketPuTTY ssh client. My PC resolution is 240x320 
> (qVGA format). I try to use mc under that client.
> MC window is cut by F6 (in functional menu) and I can't quit from MC due 
> to absense of corresponding menu item.

I had plans to make the menu scrollable in the past but no time to actually
implement it. Once I get more free time I'll try to implement it.

> My proposition is to add 'Quit' menu item to the main submenu 'File'.

No. This is a corner case and we are not going to change MC just because of

> P.S. Functional keys are not working in my case or I do not know how to 
> input their by standart Pocket kbd.

You should input ESC 0 - this is threated as F10 by MC. I.e. hit the esc key
and then 0.

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