[PATCH] backward searching off-by-one indexing error

Hello mc-devel,

there's an error while backward searching in mcview.

To reproduce:
1) echo -e "foo\nbar\nbar\n" > /tmp/sample.tmp
2) mcedit /tmp/sample.tmp
3) regexp search by '/' -> type "bar"
4) press 'n' for the next occurence
5) backward search '?' and press enter ("bar" is prefilled)

You see that the line on the top of the screen is shrunk (one character
is missing).



Jindrich Novy <jnovy redhat com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
V_/_                                                         _\_V

--- mc/src/view.c.searchfix	2005-09-01 22:49:17.000000000 +0200
+++ mc/src/view.c	2005-10-04 17:08:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ search (WView *view, char *text,
 	if (view->direction == 1)
 	    t += forward_line_start;
-	    t = reverse_line_start ? reverse_line_start + 3 : 0;
+	    t = reverse_line_start ? reverse_line_start + 2 : 0;
 	view->search_start += t;
 	if (t != beginning) {

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