Re: Long filename display in short panel

Ryan Weaver wrote:

In the current CVS version, if a filename is wider that the panel it's
displaying in, the file name is truncated. In previous versions the filename
would be spliced and the beginning and end would be displayed with a ~ in
the middle.

Eg: mc-4.6.1a-20050211cvs.tar.gz on a 80x24 screen.

Current:  |mc-4.6.1a-200502|
Previous: |mc-4.6.1~.tar.gz|

Was this change planned or is it an error? Personally, I prefer the previous
Me too, and it was my (programming) error and fault (to commit it 
unreviewed). Well, that's once more a sign that I should calm down in 
I have committed a fix for this and reviewed the other routines I 
changed that they behave as before.

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