Re: [patch] TODO for 4.6.1: ./file in tar archive

Hi Roland,

On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 19:52, Roland Illig wrote: 
> this patch fixes the second TODO item for 4.6.1.

I wasn't aware of the fact that this patch had been committed as I
thought we were still discussing where this issue should be fixed.

If we stay with this fix, does the attached patch make any sense? The
q++ is just geekness, but I'm wondering if the canonicalize_pathname is
actually useful here, or counterproductive, as we are indirectly working
on current_file_name.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research
--- tar.c.000	2004-10-18 17:52:06.000000000 +0200
+++ tar.c	2004-10-20 20:43:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -479,12 +479,12 @@ tar_read_header (struct vfs_class *me, s
 	} else {
 	    *(p++) = 0;
 	    q = current_file_name;
-	    /* FIXME: should be q = vfs_normalize_dir(q) */
 	    while (q[0] == '.' && q[1] == '/')
 	        q += 2;
 	    if (*q == '.' && *(q+1) == '\0')
-	        q = "";
+	        q++;
+	canonicalize_pathname(q);
 	parent =
 	    vfs_s_find_inode (me, archive, q, LINK_NO_FOLLOW, FL_MKDIR);

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