Re: Bug in mc 4.6.0-pre1 ?

mc is function for you, and it use mc -P to
Previous versions of mc use stderr for help and now stdout is used.

Lines below are from mc manual:
-P     At  program  end, the Midnight Commander will print
       the last working directory; this,  along  with  the
       shell  function  below,  will  allow  you to browse
       through your directories and automatically move  to
       the  last  directory  you were in.

Mathieu Roy wrote:

1) When I type mc --help
mc --version

It shows infos and ends with ".: Nom de fichier trop long"

That would mean "Filename too long". It happens LANG="fr_FR euro"
but also with LANG=C

2) I use aterm with transparent background. No problem with that when
   I start mc: the background is still transparent.

If get in trouble if I type C-o: the bgcolor become black.
It's the same if I exit mc: the bgcolor become black too.

This is not really painy since a simple `clear` reset everything too
normal but if I remember well the previous release of mc was ok on
this point.

Keep up the good work!

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