GNOME appreciation day (was Fwd: Looking for community managers or enthusiasts!)

On 15 November 2012 13:50, Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org> wrote:

The one thing that was somewhat true is that we have less corporate support, back then IBM, Sun, Novell, Nokia and many other people were looking at GNOME as a platform to build products from. These days that's not the case. Market has changed, and sure, getting a job where you can do GNOMEy stuff is hard.

This and the blog post from Sony that is linked below made me think of what could be a good marketing action: a GNOME appreciation day.

The marketing team would coordinate with prominent users of GNOME the release of blog posts and/or press releases that would explain how the organization benefits from GNOME and how it participates in the community. This could be used to raise awareness of what GNOME is and how it works, and hopefully would bring more contributors.

The participants in this campaign could be:

- organizations doing derivatives such as Canonical, Bosch or Sugar Labs/OLPC,

- consultancy companies such as Codethink, Collabora, or Igalia,

- deployments such as City of Largo,

- the foundation's advisory board members,

- maybe famous people (Cory Doctorow uses GNOME?).



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