Re: Annual Report, GNOME Journal & Quarterly Reports

Hi Andrea and all,

With the help of Andreas, we have upload the Q4 report to:

We are going to announce Q4 report by this weekend. Let me know if there is any other things to do.


2012/3/3 Andrea Veri <av gnome org>
On Fri, 02 Mar 2012, Juanjo Marín wrote:

> All the previous quaterly and annual reports have been published in the new
> foundation page thanks to Andrea Veri.
> The idea is to publish the new reports here too, so if you don't have a git account
> for updating the foundation-web module you can ask Andrea Veri for one.

The foundation-web's GIT repository isn't used anymore (apart from
vote stuff), and the new Foundation area [1] is managed through
Wordpress on the main istance.

Emily if you need a WordPress account just let me know and
I'll set you up, the page where all the reports got imported can be
found at [2].

I created a quarterly-reports category, so you'll just have to get
yourself on Posts --> New Post and set the category to
quarterly-reports when you're done with it. (you can even set up a
draft directly there without publishing the content or publishing it
when you're done with everything)

If you need any other information, feel free to /msg me on IRC
(nickname 'av' on GIMPNET) or mail me.

Have an awesome weekend,



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