Re: Getting GNOME page on


On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 19:55 +0530, Akshay Vyas wrote:
> I think you are right but still there is one thing confusing me that
> is adding ubuntu
> because ubuntu is not using GNOME3 completely they aren't giving GNOME3 in
> their default distribution not even in ubuntu 12.04 ,as far as i know
> there is a package
> which an ubuntu user can install to get the GNOME look (an additional package)

See the initial email by Andreas:
links for Ubuntu to .
If there is something similar available for Linux Mint (easy steps or
even one click to get the default GNOME experience), Linux Mint could be
As long as nobody tells us if something similar is available for Linux
Mint and what exactly it is, Linux Mint is not listed.

I hope that clarifies things. :)

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