Re: ROUGH draft of GNOME 3.0 press release (request for comments)

Thanks for your comments, Olav, Brian, Dave, Sri, and John. I also got a review from marketing guy Ryan Singer, who said the press release looks pretty good. And I've added a quote from Miguel de Icaza. I've changed "Linux" throughout to either "free and open source" or "Unix-type". I've changed the wording around the Jon McCann quotes so everything flows better. I've done some other prose re-wording & fixed some spelling, and responded to your other comments.
I shall be sending my next draft in a separate message and will request 
To respond to a couple of other comments, mostly from John:

On 03/29/2011 05:54 AM, John Stowers wrote:
I'm also not quite clear on the audience for this - if you think the
market for this release is the tech press then my comments might be less
Yes, I anticipate the audience being the tech press.

9 years without a major release has negative connotations, and while
'major release' has a specific meaning in software, how about something
more user facing

'Today the GNOME desktop project releases its first and most signifigant
redesign of the computer experience in 9 years'
Thanks.  Changed.

The GNOME 3 platform consists of the GNOME Shell and the GNOME 3
development foundation.
I would not introduce the distinction or idea of the platform or desktop
or shell or too many new terms yet.
Thanks.  I reworded and streamlined this explanation and other later 
passages about the "foundation" ("platform" instead).
GNOME 3 is the cumulative work of five years of planning and design by
the GNOME community.  McCann notes: "Perhaps the most notable part of
the design process is that everything has been done in the open. We've
had full transparency for every decision (good and bad) and every change
we've made. We strongly believe in this model. It is not only right in
principle it is just the best way in the long run to build great
software sustainably in a large community."
Do we want to pick this fight again?
It doesn't seem like fight-picking to me; if we really did do everything 
in the open, then we should celebrate that and trumpet our horn.
In partnership with Novell, Red Hat, other Linux distributors, schools
and governments, and user groups, GNOME 3 will reach millions of users
around the world.  Over 3500 people have contributed changes to the
project's code repositories, including the employees of 106 companies.
GNOME 3 includes innumberable code changes since the 2.0 release 9 years
I am especially glad you like how I phrased this, John.

Users and fans of GNOME have planned more than a hundred launch parties
around the world.  Users can download GNOME 3 from
immediately, or wait for Linux distributions to carry it over the coming
months.  GNOME 3 continues to push new frontiers in user interaction.
Should we call this 'try GNOME 3 from' AIUI the livecd is
focussed on the live experience but we still recommend people wait for
their distros to provide them with upgrades (although this obviously
falls to pieces in the Ubuntu case).

Yeah, it's because of the Ubuntu case that I'm saying "Users can 
download GNOME 3 from to try it immediately, or wait for 
distributions to carry it over the coming months."

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