Re: Friends of GNOME Ruler

On Tue, 2010-02-16 at 18:06 -0600, Brian Cameron wrote:
> Stormy:
> > Perhaps we could also preannounce another campaign at the same time.
> Do we have any ideas for our next campaign?
> >     2. Add a bit more text in Friends of GNOME front page about the goal.
> >     Maybe elaborate a bit more on the benefits of hiring a sysadmin?
> >     Volunteers?
> >
> > Maybe we could reuse the text from the original announcement mail? With
> > some wordsmithing ...
> Paul Cutler put the following job description together, which seems
> like it contains pretty good content:
> Brian

Just to give credit where it's due - Owen wrote the job description and
pointed out the link to me a few months ago.


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