Short slide decks for use in GNOME community presentations

Hello all

My name is Vikram Vaswani and I work with Initmarketing, the open source marketing agency ( We've been working with the GNOME Foundation for the last few weeks to build a set of modular slide decks for community members to use when making presentations.

We currently have nine decks covering the following topics:

- GNOME Overview
- GNOME History
- GNOME Foundation
- GNOME Accessibility
- GNOME Mobile
- GNOME 3 Applications
- How to Contribute to GNOME
- GNOME for Users
- Getting Started with GNOME Development

You can find them here:

They are also linked on the Presentations page of the wiki (under Short Topic Segments):

These decks are designed to be "mix and match" - you can use them "as is" for presentations on the above topics, or combine decks from different slides to build your own presentation as per your needs.

We'd be interested in any feedback on these slides; please post your feedback directly to the list. We'll collect feedback until the second week of January and then make revisions as per feedback.

Many thanks in advance for your participation,

Vikram Vaswani

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