Re: GNOME -> Gnome

On Tue, 2010-04-06 at 18:28 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi Andre,
> Andre Klapper wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, den 06.04.2010, 08:08 -0500 schrieb Bharat Kapoor:
> >> At least now I know what GNOME is an acronym for :)
> >> The talk is about name or rename (if our mission is consistent with)
> >> GNU Network Object Model Environment
> > 
> > Once again: GNOME WAS an acronym. GNOME is NOT anymore an acronym.
> > GNOME stands for GNOME nowadays. Only. That's all.
> Except, that's not a good answer.
> If that's the case, then GNOME can be Gnome or gnome or GnoMe or
> whatever. All caps implies acronym, and thus people will ask what it
> stands for. And if you answer "it doesn't stand for anything", the most
> likely answer is "that's stupid".

No, people in general don't give a damn. They have better things to do
than wondering about the capitals. Anybody recognizing capitals as an
acronym is a geek or nerd -- hardly the majority of people.

Normal people -- if they even wonder about the capitals -- consider them
part of some marketing stuff and then go on with their lives.

They would never ask: 'What does GNOME stand for?'

If they ever ask, it's more in the lines of 'How came it was called
GNOME?' or 'Why is it called GNOME?'

And what's wrong with telling people how this happened? It's part of
GNOME's history and this is never going to change.


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