Update on Mobile Giving

Hi All

I had the training yesterday and here is what I found:
1. Mobile Cause can only cater to US careers only (and that is a a limitation because of career locations).
2. There is no such service at least thru partnership with the current providers for Europe or Asia
3. Following are the tools:
4. Text2Give - We can setup ONE keyword and then donations will come in by texting that word - amounts option 5 or 10 only, at one given time we can only use one keyword, for additional keywords - we need to sign up for additional ones - cost 99/month
5. Text2Broadcast - allows people to signup to receive SMS mailers (wont work with google voice sms)
6. Text2Screen - Polling via mobile
Item 5 & 6 have a 10K messages per month or we can buy additional ones - 50 bucks for another 15K msgs
7. uGive - is a iPhone app - where we can setup our own Gnome area - a video, msgs, etc.

I need to know the critical events for Gnome that are coming up in US to chalk out a plan for Mobile fund raising.

Let me know what u think,


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