Re: Software Freedom Day Press Release


2009/9/18 Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>:
> I incorporated Paul's feedback and I'm cc'ing the marketing team so we
> can get some more feedback as this needs to go out tomorrow. (FYI, I
> won't be online this afternoon so please don't wait for me if you have
> good feedback or ideas.)
> We are looking for input and feedback on a GNOME press release to
> support Software Freedom Day.
> Once we get feedback and do some more edits, can someone on this list
> post this to the website tomorrow?
> Thanks,
> Stormy
> Supported
> Beyond the worldwide GNOME Community, GNOME is supported by the
> leading companies in GNU/Linux and Unix and many free software
> projects, including Access, Canonical, Debian, Free Software
> Foundation, HP, Google, IBM, Igalia, Intel, Motorola, Mozilla
> Foundation, Nokia, Novell, OLPC, Red Hat, Software Freedom Law Center,
> Sugar Labs and Sun. GNOME is proud to be the default Desktop
> Environment that powers popular distributions including Ubuntu,
> Fedora, OpenSUSE and OpenSolaris.

Can we say it is the default desktop environment in openSUSE? Not sure.

Looks nice!


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